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Southern Hemisphere and answer the questions that follow. 1.3.1 Define the term aspect. (1 \( \times 1 \) ) 1.3.2 What evidence suggests that this valley is situated in the Southern Hemisphere? \( (1 \times 1) \) 1.3.3 Explain why area \( \mathbf{A} \) is referred to as the shadow zone. \( (1 \times 2) \) 1.3.4 Explain how wind B will develop during the day. \( (2 \times 2) \) 1.3.5 In a paragraph of approximately EIGHT lines, give advice to a farmer on how to plan the usage of the land at place \( \mathbf{C} \) and place \( \mathbf{D} \) effectively, taking into account the influence of aspect and resultant winds. \( (4 \times 2) \)

Ask by Wagner Vaughan. in South Africa
Feb 09,2025

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**1.3.1** Aspect is the direction a slope faces, affecting sunlight and temperature. **1.3.2** Evidence includes the sun's position, local vegetation, and slope orientation suggesting Southern Hemisphere. **1.3.3** Area A is called the shadow zone because it receives little sunlight due to surrounding topography, leading to cooler conditions. **1.3.4** Wind B develops as warm land air rises, creating a breeze from water towards land during the day. **1.3.5** Farmers should plant crops suited to the aspect and use windbreaks to optimize land use at places C and D, considering sunlight and wind patterns for better crop yields and livestock management.


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Beyond the Answer

Aspect refers to the direction in which a slope faces. In geographical terms, it can significantly influence climate, vegetation, and land use since south-facing slopes in the Southern Hemisphere receive more sunlight throughout the year compared to north-facing slopes, which can remain cooler and moister. You can identify a valley situated in the Southern Hemisphere by noting features such as the growth patterns of vegetation or the angle of the sunlight. In the Southern Hemisphere, the sun travels across the northern sky, resulting in southern slopes usually being warmer and drier while northern slopes are cooler and may have more moisture. This is particularly evident in areas where sun-facing vegetation is more abundant. When considering land usage at places A and D, the farmer should recognize that aspect affects temperature and moisture availability. Advise the farmer to use the warmer aspects for crops that thrive in sunlight, while cooler areas can be utilized for shade-tolerant plants. Additionally, winds may carry moisture and nutrients, so placing windbreaks around place D can reduce soil erosion and enhance crop yield. It's crucial to also consider seasonal wind patterns to optimize planting schedules and ensure sustainable land use practices.

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