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Question 10 Identify iwo pieces of evidence used to support the hypothesis of continental drif. Describe how the evidence supports the hypothesis.

Ask by Griffin Dunn. in the United Arab Emirates
Jan 18,2025

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Two main pieces of evidence support continental drift: the matching coastlines of continents like South America and Africa, and the presence of identical fossils on continents now separated by oceans. These findings show that continents were once connected and have since moved apart.


Two key pieces of evidence supporting the hypothesis of continental drift are the **fit of the continents** and the **fossil distribution** across different landmasses. 1. **Fit of the Continents:** - **Description:** The coastlines of certain continents, notably South America and Africa, appear to fit together like pieces of a puzzle. - **Support for Continental Drift:** This complementary fit suggests that these continents were once joined together in a single large landmass (often referred to as "Pangaea"). Over time, the continents drifted apart to their current positions. The matching coastlines provide a visual and geographical basis for the idea that continents have moved relative to each other. 2. **Fossil Distribution:** - **Description:** Identical or similar fossilized plants and animals, such as the Mesosaurus (a freshwater reptile) and the Glossopteris (a seed fern), have been found on continents that are now widely separated by oceans, including South America, Africa, Antarctica, and India. - **Support for Continental Drift:** The presence of the same species on continents that are now distant implies that these landmasses were once connected, allowing organisms to inhabit a continuous region. As the continents drifted apart, populations became isolated from each other, leading to the distribution patterns observed today. This biological evidence reinforces the physical evidence of moving continents. These pieces of evidence collectively support the theory that continents have moved over geological time, reshaping the Earth's surface and influencing the distribution of life.

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One compelling piece of evidence supporting continental drift is the similarity of fossil findings across distant continents. For instance, fossils of the Mesosaurus, a freshwater reptile, have been discovered in both South America and Africa. This suggests that these continents were once connected, allowing the species to inhabit both areas before they drifted apart. Another piece of evidence is the matching geological formations on different continents, such as the Appalachian Mountains in North America and the Caledonian Mountains in Scotland. These mountains share similar age and rock types, indicating they were once part of the same mountain range before the continents split. This geological continuity further reinforces the idea that continents are not static but have moved over geological time.

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