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Read the following passage. Which early river valley civilization does it describe? This kingdom developed along the Yellow River. It protected its large territory by developing bronze weapons and building large walls. Historians are able to study its society through written records it left behind. A. The Olmec civilization B. The Chavin civilization C. The Shang dynasty D. The Hittite kingdom

Ask by Cruz Garrett. in the United States
Dec 04,2024

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The passage describes the Shang dynasty.


The passage describes the Shang dynasty. Therefore, the correct answer is: C. The Shang dynasty

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The Deep Dive

The passage describes the Shang dynasty, which flourished along the Yellow River in ancient China. Known for its advancements in metallurgy, particularly bronze, the Shang also created impressive fortifications. Their written records, including oracle bones, provide invaluable insights into their social structure, religion, and daily life, making them a significant focus for historians studying ancient Chinese civilization. The Shang dynasty's influence extended beyond warfare and architecture; they laid the groundwork for Chinese culture, including the development of a writing system and ancestor worship. This civilization is often credited with the establishment of a centralized government, and their accomplishments set the stage for subsequent dynasties in Chinese history.

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