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Look at the map and the photograph on this page. 1. On which continent is Mali? 2. What is the name of the river that runs through Mali? 4. Why do you think cities develop near rivers? 4. What is the name of the desert people and animals have to travel across to reach Mali? Look at the photograph and say how people and goods were transported across the desert.

Ask by Herrera Chan. in South Africa
Jan 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


1. Mali is in Africa. 2. The Niger River runs through Mali. 3. Cities develop near rivers because rivers provide water, support agriculture, and facilitate transportation. 4. The Sahara Desert is the desert people and animals cross to reach Mali. 5. People and goods were transported across the desert using camels in caravans.


Let's break down your questions step by step: 1. **On which continent is Mali?** - Mali is located on the continent of Africa. 2. **What is the name of the river that runs through Mali?** - The river that runs through Mali is the Niger River. 3. **Why do you think cities develop near rivers?** - Cities often develop near rivers for several reasons: - **Water Supply:** Rivers provide a reliable source of fresh water for drinking, agriculture, and sanitation. - **Transportation:** Rivers serve as natural highways for transporting goods and people, facilitating trade and commerce. - **Fertile Land:** The land near rivers is often more fertile due to sediment deposits, making it suitable for agriculture. - **Economic Opportunities:** Proximity to water bodies can lead to economic activities such as fishing, trade, and tourism. 4. **What is the name of the desert people and animals have to travel across to reach Mali?** - The desert that people and animals have to travel across to reach Mali is the Sahara Desert. 5. **How were people and goods transported across the desert?** - People and goods were typically transported across the desert using camels, which are well-adapted to arid conditions. They can carry heavy loads over long distances and require less water than other animals. Additionally, caravans of camels would often be used to facilitate trade across the desert, allowing for the movement of goods such as salt, gold, and textiles.

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Mali is located on the continent of Africa, famous for its rich culture and historical significance. The Niger River flows through Mali, serving as a vital waterway for trade and agriculture, nourishing the land and its people. Cities often develop near rivers due to the availability of fresh water, fertile soil for farming, and routes for transportation, making them ideal for economic growth and community building. To reach Mali, people and animals typically traverse the Sahara Desert. Historically, camels were the primary mode of transportation, as they are well-suited for the arid environment, capable of carrying heavy loads over long distances with minimal water. Today, various vehicles and caravans utilize established trade routes to facilitate the exchange of goods across this vast and challenging landscape.

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