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The value a consumer expects to obtain from a purchase Answer: 1

Ask by Watson Kirk. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


The value a consumer expects to obtain from a purchase is the benefit they anticipate getting from a product or service, considering both the positive outcomes and the costs involved.


This definition refers to what marketers and economists often call "customer perceived value." In other words, it’s the benefit or utility a consumer expects to receive from a product or service relative to what it costs. Essentially, it’s a consumer’s anticipated net benefit—what they believe they will gain (in terms of quality, satisfaction, functionality, etc.) minus what they must sacrifice (price, effort, time, and so forth). To break it down: • Benefits: The positive outcomes such as quality, performance, convenience, and any added features or emotional rewards. • Costs: Not only the monetary price but also any associated costs like time, effort, or even the psychological cost if the experience doesn’t meet expectations. When a consumer evaluates a purchase, they weigh these benefits against the costs involved. If the expected benefits surpass the costs, the perceived value is high, making the consumer more likely to buy. Conversely, if the costs seem to outweigh the benefits, the perceived value is low, which can deter purchase. Thus, when the statement says “The value a consumer expects to obtain from a purchase,” it’s emphasizing the importance of this balance of perceived benefits versus costs—the central idea behind customer perceived value in both marketing and economic decision-making.

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Bonus Knowledge

When consumers make a purchase, they're actually entering into a kind of "value contract." They weigh the price against their anticipated benefits, which could be anything from utility and satisfaction to emotional fulfillment. For instance, a consumer might expect that a new smartphone will not only keep them connected but also enhance their lifestyle with its features, thus justifying the investment. In the world of marketing, understanding this consumer mindset is crucial. Companies often engage in "value proposition" strategies, which articulate how their product or service provides distinctive benefits compared to competitors. The better they communicate this expected value, the more likely they are to win over customers. It's like playing matchmaking with products—finding that perfect fit for consumer desires!

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