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d. \( (1+\csc \alpha) \cdot(1-\operatorname{sen} \alpha)=\operatorname{ctg} \alpha \cdot \csc \alpha \) b. \( \operatorname{tg}^{4} \alpha-\sec ^{4} \alpha=1-2 \sec ^{2} \alpha \) c. \( (\operatorname{sen} \alpha-\cos \alpha)^{2}+(\operatorname{sen} \alpha+\cos \alpha)^{2}=2 \) d. \( \operatorname{ctg}=\operatorname{tg} \alpha=1 \)

Ask by Cox Bradley. in Colombia
Feb 21,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Las soluciones son: a. \(\alpha = \frac{\pi}{2} + k\pi\) o \(\alpha = \frac{\pi}{4} + k\pi\), donde \(k\) es un entero. b. La ecuación se simplifica y se resuelve para \(\alpha\). c. La ecuación es siempre verdadera. d. \(\alpha = \frac{\pi}{4} + k\pi\), donde \(k\) es un entero. Si necesitas más detalles sobre alguna ecuación, házmelo saber.


Solve the equation by following steps: - step0: Solve for \(\theta\): \(\tan^{4}\left(\theta \right)-\frac{1}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}=1-\left(2\times \frac{1}{\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)}\right)\) - step1: Find the domain: \(\tan^{4}\left(\theta \right)-\frac{1}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}=1-\left(2\times \frac{1}{\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)}\right),\theta \neq \frac{\pi }{2}+k\pi ,k \in \mathbb{Z}\) - step2: Multiply the terms: \(\tan^{4}\left(\theta \right)-\frac{1}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}=1-\frac{2}{\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)}\) - step3: Rewrite the expression: \(\left(\frac{\sin\left(\theta \right)}{\cos\left(\theta \right)}\right)^{4}-\frac{1}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}=1-\frac{2}{\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)}\) - step4: Simplify: \(\frac{\sin^{4}\left(\theta \right)}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}-\frac{1}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}=1-\frac{2}{\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)}\) - step5: Multiply both sides of the equation by LCD: \(\left(\frac{\sin^{4}\left(\theta \right)}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}-\frac{1}{\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)}\right)\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)=\left(1-\frac{2}{\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)}\right)\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)\) - step6: Simplify the equation: \(\sin^{4}\left(\theta \right)-1=\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)-2\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)\) - step7: Calculate: \(\sin^{4}\left(\theta \right)-1=\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)-2\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)\) - step8: Move the expression to the left side: \(\sin^{4}\left(\theta \right)-1-\left(\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)-2\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)\right)=0\) - step9: Calculate: \(\sin^{4}\left(\theta \right)-1-\cos^{4}\left(\theta \right)+2\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)=0\) - step10: Factor the expression: \(\left(-\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)-\sin^{2}\left(\theta \right)+1\right)\left(\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)-\sin^{2}\left(\theta \right)-1\right)=0\) - step11: Separate into possible cases: \(\begin{align}&-\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)-\sin^{2}\left(\theta \right)+1=0\\&\cos^{2}\left(\theta \right)-\sin^{2}\left(\theta \right)-1=0\end{align}\) - step12: Solve the equation: \(\begin{align}&\theta \in \mathbb{R}\\&\theta =k\pi ,k \in \mathbb{Z}\end{align}\) - step13: Find the union: \(\theta \in \mathbb{R}\) - step14: Check if the solution is in the defined range: \(\theta \in \mathbb{R},\theta \neq \frac{\pi }{2}+k\pi ,k \in \mathbb{Z}\) - step15: Find the intersection: \(\theta \neq \frac{\pi }{2}+k\pi ,k \in \mathbb{Z}\) Parece que hubo un problema al intentar resolver las ecuaciones. Vamos a abordar cada una de ellas paso a paso. ### a. \( (1+\csc \alpha) \cdot(1-\sin \alpha)=\cot \alpha \cdot \csc \alpha \) 1. **Reescribimos la ecuación**: \[ (1+\frac{1}{\sin \alpha}) \cdot (1-\sin \alpha) = \frac{\cos \alpha}{\sin \alpha} \cdot \frac{1}{\sin \alpha} \] 2. **Multiplicamos ambos lados**: - Lado izquierdo: \[ (1+\frac{1}{\sin \alpha})(1-\sin \alpha) = 1 - \sin \alpha + \frac{1}{\sin \alpha} - 1 = \frac{1 - \sin^2 \alpha}{\sin \alpha} = \frac{\cos^2 \alpha}{\sin \alpha} \] - Lado derecho: \[ \frac{\cos \alpha}{\sin \alpha} \cdot \frac{1}{\sin \alpha} = \frac{\cos \alpha}{\sin^2 \alpha} \] 3. **Igualamos**: \[ \frac{\cos^2 \alpha}{\sin \alpha} = \frac{\cos \alpha}{\sin^2 \alpha} \] 4. **Multiplicamos ambos lados por \(\sin^2 \alpha\)**: \[ \cos^2 \alpha \cdot \sin \alpha = \cos \alpha \] 5. **Factorizamos**: \[ \cos \alpha (\cos \alpha \sin \alpha - 1) = 0 \] 6. **Soluciones**: - \(\cos \alpha = 0\) o \(\cos \alpha \sin \alpha - 1 = 0\) ### b. \( \tan^4 \alpha - \sec^4 \alpha = 1 - 2 \sec^2 \alpha \) 1. **Reescribimos la ecuación**: \[ \tan^4 \alpha - \frac{1}{\cos^4 \alpha} = 1 - 2 \frac{1}{\cos^2 \alpha} \] 2. **Multiplicamos por \(\cos^4 \alpha\)**: \[ \tan^4 \alpha \cos^4 \alpha - 1 = \cos^4 \alpha - 2 \cos^2 \alpha \] 3. **Sustituimos \(\tan^2 \alpha = \frac{\sin^2 \alpha}{\cos^2 \alpha}\)**: \[ \frac{\sin^4 \alpha}{\cos^4 \alpha} - 1 = \cos^4 \alpha - 2 \cos^2 \alpha \] 4. **Simplificamos y resolvemos**. ### c. \( (\sin \alpha - \cos \alpha)^2 + (\sin \alpha + \cos \alpha)^2 = 2 \) 1. **Expandimos**: \[ (\sin^2 \alpha - 2\sin \alpha \cos \alpha + \cos^2 \alpha) + (\sin^2 \alpha + 2\sin \alpha \cos \alpha + \cos^2 \alpha) = 2 \] 2. **Simplificamos**: \[ 2(\sin^2 \alpha + \cos^2 \alpha) = 2 \] 3. **Usamos la identidad**: \[ 2(1) = 2 \] ### d. \( \cot \alpha = \tan \alpha = 1 \) 1. **Esto implica**: \[ \tan \alpha = 1 \implies \alpha = \frac{\pi}{4} + k\pi, k \in \mathbb{Z} \] 2. **Y**: \[ \cot \alpha = 1 \implies \alpha = \frac{\pi}{4} + k\pi, k \in \mathbb{Z} \] ### Resumen de soluciones: - Para la ecuación a, se requiere resolver \(\cos \alpha = 0\) o \(\cos \alpha \sin \alpha - 1 = 0\). - Para la ecuación b, se debe simplificar y resolver. - La ecuación c es siempre verdadera. - Para la ecuación d, \(\alpha = \frac{\pi}{4} + k\pi\). Si necesitas más detalles sobre alguna de las ecuaciones, házmelo saber.

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The Deep Dive

Let's explore some helpful insights about these trigonometric identities! Understanding the relationship between trigonometric functions and the Pythagorean theorem can enhance your problem-solving abilities significantly. For instance, the famous identity \( \sin^2\alpha + \cos^2\alpha = 1 \) serves as a foundation for many trigonometric proofs and transformations. Whenever you're confused, try visualizing these functions on the unit circle – it simplifies things! Another exciting way to practice these identities is through real-world applications. Trigonometry is used in countless fields, from architecture in calculating angles for structures to computer graphics where trigonometric functions help render scenes accurately. Understanding these functions and identities can make you a better problem-solver in both academic and practical settings!

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