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Earth is contained within all of the following EXCEPT which one? A. the Milky Way B. the Big Dipper C. the solar system D. the universe

Ask by Daniels Donnelly. in the United States
Feb 05,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Earth is not contained within the Big Dipper.


To determine which option Earth is not contained within, let's analyze each choice: A. **the Milky Way**: Earth is part of the Milky Way galaxy, so this option is not correct. B. **the Big Dipper**: The Big Dipper is a group of stars that is part of the Ursa Major constellation. Earth is not contained within the Big Dipper, as it is a specific asterism made up of stars that are light-years away from Earth. C. **the solar system**: Earth is one of the planets in the solar system, so this option is not correct. D. **the universe**: Earth is part of the universe, so this option is not correct. Based on this analysis, the correct answer is: **B. the Big Dipper**.

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The Earth is indeed part of the Milky Way, our galaxy that houses billions of stars, including our sun. The Big Dipper, however, is just a group of stars that form a constellation and is not a structure that contains the Earth. It’s like calling a streetlight part of your whole city; it's there, but it doesn't encompass everything! Additionally, while "the universe" includes everything we know, including galaxies, stars, and planets, the solar system is a smaller subset where Earth resides along with other celestial bodies such as the sun and its planets. So Earth is safely nestled in the solar system, circling around the sun like a toddler around a playgroup.

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