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Each student al Madison middle school owns three spiral notebooks. Mrs, Campbell wants to calculate the total number of notebooks in the middle school. What variable is needed to calculate the total? A. n, the number of spiral notebooks per student B. s, the number of students at the school C. 4 , the number of teachers who have notobooks D. 5 , the number of students with red notebooks

Ask by Harper Fuentes. in the United States
Feb 27,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


The variable needed is \( s \), the number of students at the school.


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Beyond the Answer

To find the total number of notebooks in Madison middle school, we need to know both the number of spiral notebooks each student owns and the number of students. So, the variables required here are "n," for notebooks per student, which is 3 in this case, and "s," for the total number of students. Multiply these to get the total number of notebooks: 3 * s. Just imagine if every student decided to customize their notebooks with different colors or designs! It would not only make math a little more colorful but also spark a fun conversation about creativity. So, while we're crunching numbers for notebooks, why not think about how students can express themselves through their choice of stationary?

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