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1. Why do we have leap years that adds an extra day to February? a. To give some people an odd birthday. b. According to the Julien calendar, each year is 365.25 days long. c. According to the Gregorian calendar, each year is 365.25 days long. d. According to some calendars, this just happens. 2. The zodiac is central, circular section of the sky extending around the celestial sphere that is a. Divided into even 8 sections b. Divided into even 9 sections c. Divided into even 12 sections d. Divided into uneven 10 sections 3. Latitude is the angular measurement, in degrees, of a position on Earth's surface that is a. North or south of the equator. b. Only north of the equator c. East or west of the equator d. Only south of the equator 4. Longitude is the imaginary lines drawn on the surface of the Earth running from the North to the South poles a. The Ne prime to royal meridians b. The peres c. The West to the West poles d. Perdendicular to the meridians

Ask by Daniel Warren. in the United States
Jan 18,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


1. Leap years add an extra day to February because the Julian calendar accounts for the Earth's approximate 365.25-day orbit around the sun by adding a leap day every four years. 2. The zodiac is divided into 12 equal sections. 3. Latitude measures the position north or south of the equator. 4. Longitude lines run from the North Pole to the South Pole and are perpendicular to the equator. Correct answers: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. a


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Bonus Knowledge

Leap years exist because our planet takes about 365.2422 days to orbit the sun, which is why we need an extra day every four years to keep the calendar in sync with the seasons. If we didn't add that day, over centuries, we'd slowly drift away from our actual seasonal events—imagine celebrating Christmas in the summer! In ancient times, people believed that star movements were tied to earthly events. The zodiac, a circular section of the sky, cleverly divides the celestial sphere into 12 sections, each representing different astrological signs. Each sign reflects a range of personality traits and influences, making zodiac signs not just cool conversation starters but also a fun way to ponder our connections to the universe!

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