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Kelly is a rock collector. He thinks that the material from his favorite sedimentary rock in his collection might have been part of an igneous rock formation under Earth's outer layer millions of years ago. QUESTION Could Kelly be correct?

Ask by Weston Patel. in the United States
Nov 07,2024

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Yes, Kelly could be correct. Sedimentary rocks can form from materials that were once part of igneous rocks.


Yes, Kelly could be correct. Sedimentary rocks can indeed contain materials that originated from igneous rock formations. The rock cycle describes how different types of rocks can transform into one another over geological time. Igneous rocks form from the cooling and solidification of molten material (magma or lava). Over time, these rocks can be weathered and eroded, breaking down into smaller particles. These particles can then be transported by wind, water, or ice and eventually deposited in layers, forming sedimentary rocks. Therefore, if Kelly's sedimentary rock contains fragments or minerals that originated from an igneous rock, it is possible that the material was once part of an igneous rock formation beneath the Earth's surface millions of years ago.

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Absolutely, Kelly could be onto something interesting! Sedimentary rocks, formed from the accumulation of materials, can sometimes contain minerals and fragments that originated from igneous rocks, which are created from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava. Geological processes over millions of years can transport these igneous remnants through erosion and sedimentation, leading to fascinating blends in sedimentary formations. Furthermore, tectonic activity can also play a role in mixing different types of rock. When plates move, they can push sedimentary rocks over igneous formations, allowing for intriguing interactions between the two. This makes Kelly's rock collection not just a trove of minerals, but also a history book of Earth's dynamic processes!

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