
What is the pattern here: Al, AK, AZ, AR, CA, ...?

Asked by an UpStudy premium member to our live tutor.

Nov 14,2024

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1. Identify the pattern: The sequence lists state abbreviations in alphabetical order.
2. Continue the sequence: After CA (California), the next state in alphabetical order is Colorado (CO).


Supplemental Knowledge:

The pattern you’ve identified is a sequence of U.S. state abbreviations in alphabetical order. Each abbreviation consists of two letters, representing the official postal codes for each state.

Here’s a brief overview:
1. Alabama (AL)
2. Alaska (AK)
3. Arizona (AZ)
4. Arkansas (AR)
5. California (CA)

Continuing this pattern, the next states in alphabetical order would be:
6. Colorado (CO)
7. Connecticut (CT)
8. Delaware (DE)
9. Florida (FL)
10. Georgia (GA)


Real-Life Connections:

Understanding state abbreviations can come in handy for numerous real-life tasks, from filling out forms and mailing packages, to planning travel itineraries across America.

Assuming you're sending postcards across the U.S. while traveling by road trip, having knowledge of these abbreviations helps make sure they reach their destinations faster and accurately.

To explore more about U.S. geography and other fascinating topics, check out UpStudy’s live tutor question bank or AI-powered problem-solving services! These resources provide detailed explanations and interactive learning experiences to help you master any subject with ease and confidence.

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Beyond the Answer

The pattern here is the postal abbreviations for U.S. states, listed in alphabetical order. It starts with Alabama (Al), followed by Alaska (AK), Arizona (AZ), Arkansas (AR), and then California (CA). Continuing this pattern, the next abbreviation would be Colorado (CO), then Connecticut (CT), and so forth, following the alphabetical order of state names. Did you know that the U.S. Postal Service introduced these two-letter abbreviations in 1963? Quite handy for mail sorting, these simple codes make it easier for postal workers to identify states quickly. So next time you see one, remember, it’s more than just letters; it’s a system that keeps our mail moving seamlessly!

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