
Activity 5. SHAKE IT UP! Objective: Determine the relationship of volcanoes and earthquakes Questions: 1. What happens when you shake the bottle? 2. As the mixture squirts off the cover, what have you observed with the cardboard? 3. Why do you think is the cardboard shaking? 4. With the given activity, what can you conclude on the relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes? 

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Dec 18,2024

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  1. When you shake the bottle, the mixture inside becomes agitated and builds pressure.
  2. As the mixture squirts off the cover, the cardboard moves or shakes.
  3. The cardboard is shaking because the pressure from the mixture inside the bottle is being released, causing vibrations.
  4. The activity demonstrates that volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are interconnected, as both involve the release of energy and pressure from within the Earth, causing ground movements.


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When you shake the bottle, you're simulating the pressure build-up that occurs within a volcano. The mixture represents magma and gases trapped underground. As you shake, the pressure increases until the cap can no longer hold it back, resulting in an eruption-like effect. This is similar to how volcanic eruptions occur when the pressure of the magma becomes too great. As the mixture squirts off the cover, the cardboard likely vibrates or jiggles, which mimics how the ground shakes during an earthquake. Both phenomena are related to the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth's surface. When there is a sudden release of energy due to plate movement, it manifests as an earthquake, while the pressure release in a volcano results in an eruption, showing the interconnected nature of these geological events.

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