Potter Hodgson
07/09/2024 · Senior High School
f Steve throws the football 50 meters in 3 seconds, what is the average speed of the football? (nearest hundredth) If it takes Ashley 3 seconds to run from the batters box to first base at an average spe of 6.5 meters per second, what is the distance she covers in that time? \( \begin{array}{l}\text { Bart ran } 5000 \text { meters from the cops and an average speed of } 8 \text { meters/second before } \\ \text { he got caught. How long did he run? }\end{array} \)
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- Average speed of the football: **16.67 meters/second**
- Distance covered by Ashley: **19.5 meters**
- Time Bart ran: **625 seconds**
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