Rodriguez Henry
08/30/2023 · Elementary School
3. Analyze: Friction causes work to be "wasted" as heat (which is why your hands get warm). A. Does friction waste more work on longer or shorter planes? B. How can you tell? C. Why do you think this is? [Hint: Remember the stick presses up on the item. Do your hands get warmer faster if you press them together harder as you rub?] Conjecture: Does friction cause more energy to be wasted if the object is heavier? Why? Use the Gizmo to test this. Describe your results in your notebook or on a separate sheet.
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Friction wastes more work on longer planes because the frictional force acts over a greater distance. The frictional force increases with the weight of the object, so heavier objects waste more energy as heat. To test this, use the Gizmo to measure the work done against friction for objects of different weights on a fixed plane length. Record and compare the results.
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