Davey Whittaker
05/06/2024 · Junior High School

Hello Class, Par Inc, is looking at test and models to provide insight on driving distances of golf balls, using two-tailed hypothesis test. Recommending with the sample size that is provided, limits the power of the test. When looking at results there is no significant evidence that provides a difference in mean. The P-Value of 0.195 exceeds the level of 0.05 , which in results fails to reject the null hypothesis. While the current golf ball has an average distance of 32.83 , compared to the new ball which had a 24.8. As stated it provides only a small sample size with these figures. To improve accuracy, Par Inc should conduct additional testing that provides a larger sample size. There are many variables that come into the testing such as environments and understanding the true durability's of the ball to provide the best results. Lastly, at this point no evidence provides supporting in replacing the current golf ball. Respond to this post in a substantive manner, and provide information that they may have missed or may not have considered regarding the application of hypothesis testing in business and economics. Do you agree with their conclusions? Why or why not?

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Par Inc conducted a hypothesis test to compare golf balls, finding no significant difference in driving distances. They suggest more testing with a larger sample size. The conclusions are reasonable, considering sample size, P-value, and confidence interval.

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