Clarke Salazar
08/11/2024 · Middle School
Grace and Linda investigate the effects of three growing conditions on plan the same size and type into its own container. The containers are the same 1. Plant \( W \) is given soil and water and is put in a clear plastic box where all 2. Plant \( X \) is given soil and left out in the open, but it does not receive wat 3. Plant \( Y \) is placed in water and left out in the open, but it does not recely look after a few days.
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Grace and Linda conducted an experiment to see how different growing conditions affect plants. They grew three plants under different conditions: one with soil and water in a controlled environment, one with soil but no water in an open area, and one in water but in an open area. They observed the plants to see how they grow and what conditions are best for plant growth.
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