Horton Salinas
05/20/2024 · Junior High School
(a) (i) State the principle of superposition of waves. (ii) Distinguish between standing and stationary waves. (b) Define the following terms as applied to sound waves (i) Interference and beating. (ii) resonance and fundamental frequence.
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### (a)
#### (i) Principle of Superposition of Waves
When waves overlap, the resultant displacement is the sum of the individual wave displacements.
#### (ii) Standing and Stationary Waves
Standing waves are formed by waves traveling in opposite directions and have fixed points (nodes) and oscillating points (antinodes). Stationary waves can refer to standing waves or other wave patterns that don't propagate through the medium.
### (b)
#### (i) Interference and Beating
Interference is the combination of waves, leading to constructive or destructive effects. Beating occurs when waves of slightly different frequencies interfere, causing amplitude variations.
#### (ii) Resonance and Fundamental Frequency
Resonance is when a system vibrates with maximum amplitude at its natural frequency. The fundamental frequency is the lowest frequency of vibration for a system.
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