Hanson Thornton
07/28/2024 · Senior High School
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|}\hline 4. A square has a perimeter of 28 units, an & 5. \\ area of 49 units \( { }^{2} \), and sides that are either & 100 \\ horizontal or vertical. Two of the vertices are & an \\ in quadrants where the \( x \)-value is negative. & pe \\ What are the possible coordinates of the & the \\ square? \end{tabular}
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The possible coordinates of the square are various, but at least two vertices must have negative \( x \)-coordinates. Examples include: \( (-7, 0), (0, 0), (-7, 7), (0, 7) \), \( (-7, -7), (0, -7), (-7, 0), (0, 0) \), and \( (-7, 3), (0, 3), (-7, 10), (0, 10) \).
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