Donnelly May
07/27/2024 · High School

4. (HS-ESS3-1) If water is easily accessible and fresh does that mean that water is ready to drink? Why might it be an issue to drink water directly from a river or lake? 5. (HS-ESS3-1) Which sources of fresh water are less accessible? Do we ever gain access to this water? Explain how.

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4. Fresh water may not be safe to drink even if it's easily accessible. It can contain harmful microorganisms, chemicals, and natural contaminants. To make it safe, treatment like boiling or purification is necessary. 5. Less accessible fresh water sources include groundwater, glaciers, and permafrost. We can access these by drilling wells, melting ice, or using technology to extract water. Sustainable practices and infrastructure development are key to accessing these sources responsibly.

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