Chang Young
09/15/2023 · Elementary School

On your answer sheet, please just answer who or whom. 1. (Who / Whom ) would you say is liable for the damage? 2. (Who / Whom ) did the supervisor recommend for the position? 3. (Who / Whom ) do you think will win first prize? 4. It was George (who / whom ) they saw at the bank earlier that morning. 5. Sheila asked (who / whom ) would be the new principal at the school. 6. Molly worried about (who / whom ) would eventually take over the store. 7. My uncle, (who / whom ) we hired as our contractor, will finish the deck in e June. 8. I voted for Snellinger, (who / whom ) is probably the most honest candidate. 9. (Who / Whom ) can help my sister repair the roof? 10. People (who / whom ) agreed to the terms of the contract could sign it.

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1. Who 2. Whom 3. Who 4. Whom 5. Who 6. Who 7. Whom 8. Who 9. Who 10. Who

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