Davison Vaughan
09/20/2024 · Senior High School
A restaurant owner is interested in the proportion of his customers who order dessert. He looks at 65 randomly selected receipts. Match the vocabulary word with its corresponding example. - The 65 restaurant patrons whose receipts were observed by the owner - The proportion of the 65 randomly selected customers who ordered dessert answer: Yes or No to whether a customer ordered dessert a. Parameter who come to the restaurant of the 65 Yes or No answers for whether each customer ordered dessert. b. Variable c. Sample d. Population e. Data f. Statistic
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a. Parameter - The 65 restaurant patrons
b. Variable - Yes or No answers
c. Sample - The 65 randomly selected customers
d. Population - The entire customer base
e. Data - The 65 receipts
f. Statistic - The dessert order proportion
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