Delgado Barnett
03/04/2024 · Primary School
A local chess club claims that the length of time to play a game has a mean of more than 24 minutes. Write sentences describing type I and type II errors for a hypothesis test of this claim. A type I error will occur if the actual mean of the length of time to play a game is \begin{tabular}{rl} A type II error will occur if the actual mean of the length of time to play a game is \\ \hline\( \nabla \) & the null hypothesis, \end{tabular}
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A Type I error occurs when the actual mean time is 24 minutes or less, but we conclude the mean time is more than 24 minutes. A Type II error occurs when the actual mean time is more than 24 minutes, but we conclude the mean time is 24 minutes or less.
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