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Arts Questions & Answers

sie di Eugenio Montale (1896-1981). Assonanza Due o più parole sono in assonanza (dal latino adsonäre "assonare", "avere un suono simile") quando hanno vocali identiche e consonanti diverse a partire dall'accento tonico. Ascoltare era il solo tuo modo di vedere. Il conto del telefono s'è ridotto a ben poco (E.Montale, Caro piccolo insetto, in Tutte le poesie,Mondadori, Milano 1997)
Beat poets most likely use free verseas a comparative tool, using a traditional convey opinion, using a fixed draw attention to repetition, using a controlled convey a thought process, using an unstructured format.
6. Histroay Where romanticism placed emphasis on art as an expression of the artist's unique vision, realism led artists to see their art as a depiction of observable truths, almost scientific in its accuracy. How did artists of both approaches convey their concern at the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution?
1 UNDERSTANDING CONTEXT What did the adherents of romanticism object to about the Enlightenment?
Assim como os indígenas, algumas tribos africanas utilizam as formas geométricas em pinturas corporaise artesanais. Consulte, na internet, informaçōes a respei- to das pinturas tribais africanas e escreva, no espaço a seguir, o que você descobriu acerca desse tipo de arte.
Photography Through the Ages Developing a keen understanding about our history can be immensely helpful in moving into our future with purpose. And this notion often applies to all aspects of life, including our career or areas of study. As your current area of study is photography and you're already starting to develop an understanding of the history and development of this creative art form, this is the perfect opportunity to dive a bit deeper and explore a variety of subjects, photographic styles, themes, and trends, both historical and contemporary. To present all of the information you will be researching online into an organized and relevant format, you will be creating a highly visual timeline of 'Photography Through the Ages: Let's start with the specifics about what you will need to research and include on your timeline: At least three different historical periods in time to examine and explore in terms of art and photography as well as our current time period (you-will therefore research four time
El arte nos permite pensar y actuar de manera flexible y creativamente, también nos permite ver más alla". Cisneros.
Sesshu Toyo's work can be divided into two different types of brushstroke. What are they? Shin and So Kara-fu and Chidori-fu Wu and Ma Monumental and Spontaneous
Hatsuboku is a wet-brush style of painting. True False
An art collector approaches a historian about a small statue. The collector claims to have purchased the statue from a man who said it was one of the earliest depictions of the Babylonian king Hammurabi. The collector wants to know whether this claim is true. Which of the following pieces of evidence would help the historian determine whether the statue is authentic? A. Determining if the person who sold the statue was an expert on ancient Babylon B. Determining the total number of Hammurabi statues that have been found so far C. Determining why the person with the statue bought it in the fisst place D. Determining the date of its creation to see if it aligns with Hammurabi's life
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