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Arts Questions & Answers

Innledning Fere er et begrep som har dype røtter i norsk kultur og samfunn. Det handler ikke bare om personlig integritet, men også om respekt, tillit og ansvar overfor samfunnet. I denne artikkelen vil vi utforske hva ære betyr i norsk kontekst, hvordan det påvirker våre relasjoner, og hvordan det fortsatt er relevant i dagens samfunn. Historisk Perspektiv
Why do you think Bui decides to use the real plictures here? The Best we Could Do ithink Bui uses the real pictures here because
kin groups of four. Design a poster to show that stealing electricity using illegal connections is dangerous, illegal and unethical. Discuss how you will convey that message on your poster. How will you make people stop and look at your poster? It must catch people's attention. Give the poster a headline that is short, big and bold (look at the example in Figure 6 . Discuss the design of the poster and ways to illustrate your message. Make drawings and/or use photographs to illustrate what you want to show.( 6 Write what you want to say in as few words as possible. Check that you can read the text easily from about two paces away. If you cannot, make the letters larger. It is a good idea to link the drawing and the text with big, bold arrows so that you can 'guide' an observer from the beginning of the poster to the end.
21. Embedded in his reflection, Hercules poses the question: "What happens when you know that what youre waiting for will never come?" - What does Hercules mean by this statement? What is he indirectly referencing?
Saberes previos - Lee el siguiente poema y res- ponde: ¿qué tema trata?, ¿crees que puede clasificarse como un texto vanguardista?, ¿qué sabes- de las vanguardias en Colombia? Ven a mirar conmigo el final de la lluvia. Caen las últimas gotas como diamantes desprendidos de la corona del invierno, y nuevamente queda desnudo el aire. Pronto un rayo de sol encenderá los verdes del patio, y saltarán al césped una vez más los pájaros. Ven conmigo y fijemos el instante -mariposa de vidrio- en esta página. Meira Delmar. Laúd memorioso (fragmento). 1995
9. Discuss Henry and Hercules's different perspectives on painting the maple tree.
8. Explain and discuss Henry's idea. What is trying to accomplish with this idea? What is symbolic of the Ceryneian Hind in Hercules Beals story?
How did World War I relate to the art movements of Dadaism and Surrealism? A. Dadaists and Surrealists embraced silliness and the subconscious and rejected the reason and rationalism they felt had led to war and mass destruction. B. Dadaists and Surrealists captured the meanings of the feelings and emotions revealed by war as opposed to focusing on the physical events of World War I. C. Dadaists and Surrealists used broken and reassembled shapes to express their frustrations with the social instability caused by World War I. D. Dadaists and Surrealists expressed antiwar sentiment by using lifelike imagery in order to portray the horror and chaos of war as realistically as possible.
The periods of the Six Dynasties and Tang Dynasty are similarly important to the development of a traditional Chinese visual culture as the period of the Tang Dynasty. The emperors of the Tang Dynasty expanded the economy and borders of China beyond what it had been previously. Our class has already focused on the Buddhist arts of this period and this unit will cover the native arts of the same era. Please discuss the various types of painting techniques discussed in this unit as well as what ways funerary culture differs from previous eras. What types of secular painting contributes to an overall understanding of life in China during the Tang Dynasty?
Liang Kai's paintings focus on Chan Buddhist themes. True False
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