2. Explain the relationship between the key terms in
each of the following pairs.
a. nicotine and carbon monoxide
b. tar and emphysema
c. environmental tobacco smoke and carcinogen
d. mainstream smoke and sidestream smoke
Sight Sense Receptors: Record any notes or takeaways from this source that relate to the guiding question.
1. For each definition below, choose the key term
that best matches the definition.
a. the smoke inhaled and exhaled by the smoker
b. a gas that blocks oxygen from entering the
c. a lung disease in which the alveoli lose their
elasticity or become blocked
d. any chemical or agent that causes cancer
e. a sticky substance in tobacco smoke that coats
the inside of the airway and contains many
f. the addictive drug found in tobacco
Hearing Sense Receptors: Record any notes or takeaways from this source that relate to the guiding question.
The figures below refer to a herd of water buffalo.
Birth rate \( =\mathbf{3 5} \)
Death rate \( =7 \)
Immigration \( =4 \)
Emigration \( =\mathbf{1 7} \)
What is this population growth?
population increases by 41
population decreases by 15
population increases by 15
population decreases by 24
What are primary air pollutants?
Pollutants that only exist indoors
Pollutants that form in the atmosphere from other pollutants.
Pollutants directly emitted from a source such as a car or power plant
Pollutants that only exist in water due to solubility
La aorta se ramifica en arterias que se van haciendo cada vez más finas hasta convertirse
en arteriolas que finalmente conducen la sangre a los capilares. Sabiendo que el caudal
sanguineo es, para una persona en reposo, de 5 Lmin y que los radios disminuyen desde
10 mm para la aorta a \( 0,008 \mathrm{~mm} \) para los capilares, siendo la sección total de los capilares
de aproximadamente \( 2.000 \mathrm{~cm}^{2} \), determinar:
a) la velocidad de la sangre en la aorta en mm/s
b) el número de capllares
c) el caudal en \( 1 / \) min de sangre que pasa por un capilar
d) la velocidad de la sangre en un capilar, en mm/s
c) la velocidad de la sangre en la aorta y en cada uno de los capilares.
RTA \( =265,39 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{s} ; 995222930 \) capilares; \( 5,024 \mathrm{E}-9 \mathrm{~L} / \mathrm{min} \) y \( 0,416 \mathrm{~mm} / \mathrm{s} \)
Ich kenne.../lch weiss...
\( \begin{array}{l}\rightarrow \\ \text {... was eine Pflanze benötigt, um zu leben und ob sie diese über die Wurzeln oder } \\ \\ \rightarrow\end{array} \)
... den Durchmesser eines Saatkornes (S.1)
Which cell of the specific immune system activates other specific immune cells?
Cytotoxic T cells
Helper T cells
B cells
Different B cells in your body have different specific receptors on their surfaces so you may
have millions of different versions of B cells circulating in your body
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