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English Questions & Answers

\begin{tabular}{l} T* Why do you think Barnes repeats or has the characters repeat the word "corpus deliotr \\ several times? Support your answer with textual details from this chapter. \\ \hline\end{tabular}
According to the selection, why did the author want to share this memory of Beethoven? (A) to argue against rumours that Beethoven had little time or emotion for others (B) to give an example of how Beethoven could be very difficult to work with got through it to describe Beethoven's compassion and a source of his inspiration
How can a reader trace how an author develops a central idea throughout a text? Choose four answers. \( \square \) by looking for the denotative and the connotative meanings of the author's words \( \square \) by identifying the most important details used to support the central idea of each paragraph \( \square \) by analyzing how the author uses context to convey the central idea in each paragraph by summarizing the central idea and key details of each paragraph in a single sentence by the common element among the central ideas throughout the text
Which statement best captures the author's point of view in the passage? a Historically, many people had strong feelings against slavery and slave trade. both men and women slaves were treated cruelly and unfairly by their owners. despite facing challenges, women played an influential role in the anti-slavery campaign. womeris involvement in petitioning lessened the impact petitions had on the anti-slavery movement.
experiences wiph - Directions: Choose one of the Option 1: Journal Prompts Answer one of these questions: How have you learned about poetry before (e.g., in class, a project)? When have you heard poetry outside of school (e.g., in a song, at a wedding)? What thyes of poems have you read? Did you like them? Why or why not? Do you read or write poetry for fun? Why or why not?
Who gives Richard a "quick secret smile" at the end of the last chapter? * 2 points A. Shorty B. Pease C. Mr. Crane D.Mr. Falk (1) E. Griggs
2. Read the following excerpt from Patient Zero, and answer the question below. "Day after day he paced the streets, knocking on doors, trying to track down residents who had fled the neighborhood in the early days of the outbreak." (44) What does the phrase day after day help to convey about Whitehead's personality? a. his love of routine b. his consistent energy for,his work c. his boredom with his work d. his carelessness with his work
Part B| What does this phrase convey about Snow? a. He was rushed for time. b. He was bored with his work. c. He was deliberate and careful. d. He was frustrated by his results.
What is the meaning of the phrase poring over as it appears in this sentence? a. changing b. imagining c. questioning d. studying
\( \begin{array}{l}\text { Exercise 1: Put the words in the correct order and make up a declarative sentence. } \\ \text { Example: fruit / yesterday / bought / my mother/ in the supermarket } \\ \text { - My mother bought /ruit in the supermarket yesterday, }\end{array} \) 1. play / we / games / at school / often 2. to the village / my uncle / went / yesterday 3. animals / keep / my parents / on a farm 4. her homework / my sister / in the bedroom / does 5. from the library / books / take / we / usually 6. their songs / the birds / in the garden / sing / in the morning 7. have / our breakfast / we / at 8 o'clock / in the kitchen 9. in the stadium / football / my friend / plays 10. snowball / in winter / children / play / in the yard / my mother / cleans
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