Weaver Simpson
02/12/2023 · Primary School

VERBOSE is to CONCISE as UNSCRUPULOUS is to _PrincipledWickedImmoralDishonest

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The relationship between "VERBOSE" and "CONCISE" is one of opposites. "VERBOSE" means using more words than necessary, while "CONCISE" means using few words. Similarly, "UNSCRUPULOUS" means lacking moral principles, so its opposite would be "Principled," which means having strong moral principles.


Supplemental Knowledge

Analogies are powerful tools in language that allow us to better comprehend relationships among words. Here we see an analogy relating "VERBOSE" to "CONCISE." To solve it we must understand their respective relationships: verbose means using more words than necessary while "concise" refers to expression using few words - making these two terms opposites (antonyms).
To identify an analogy for "UNSCRUPULOUS," we must identify its antonym. Someone described as being untrustworthy lacks moral principles and acts unethically and dishonestly.


Concepts to Actions

Imagine two colleagues at your workplace: one who always speaks at length without ever getting to the point (verbose) while another communicates clearly and briefly (concise). Additionally, consider ethical behaviour - one might cut corners to save time or act dishonestly (unscrupulous); while the other adheres strictly to moral principles and fairness (principled).
Understanding these relationships helps us navigate social interactions more successfully by recognising different personality traits and behavioral tendencies in one another.


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