Summers Clark
09/17/2023 · Elementary School

Select the correct image. Identify the model that represents a mixture of two compounds.

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The top left image.

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To identify a mixture of two compounds, look for a model that shows two different types of molecules. The top left image shows different types of molecules (distinct clusters of atoms), indicating a mixture of two compounds. The other images show either single types of molecules or individual atoms.


Supplemental Knowledge

Understanding the difference between pure substances and mixtures in chemistry is of vital importance. A pure substance refers to substances comprised of only one kind of molecule or atom while mixtures often consist of several kinds.
Molecular models are visual representations that help us understand the composition and structure of compounds. In these models:

  • Different colors or sizes typically represent different types of atoms.
  • A model representing a mixture will show distinct groups of atoms (molecules) that are not chemically bonded to each other.


Concepts to Actions

Imagine yourself working in a chemistry laboratory, trying to assess whether a sample is pure or mixed by looking at molecular models and looking at its composition based on what molecules exist within.
Consider air as an everyday example: it consists of nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) molecules with smaller amounts of other gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and argon (Ar). When represented using molecular models, you would see distinct groups representing these different molecules.


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