Haynes Carter
09/25/2023 · Senior High School

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence? Ella tiene una \(\underline { cintura} \) muy pequeña. eyebrow cheek toe waist 

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The underlined word "cintura" in the sentence "Ella tiene una \(\underline { cintura} \) muy pequeña" means "waist."

  • Eyebrow: ceja
  • Cheek: mejilla
  • Toe: dedo del pie
  • Waist: cintura
    Therefore, "cintura" translates to "waist" in English.


Supplemental Knowledge

In Spanish, understanding vocabulary related to body parts is essential for everyday communication. Here are some key terms:

  • Cintura: This means "waist" in English. It refers to the part of the body between the ribs and hips.
  • Ceja: This means "eyebrow."
  • Mejilla: This means "cheek."
  • Dedo del pie: This means "toe."


Everyday Examples

Imagine yourself shopping for clothes in a Spanish-speaking country and need to communicate specific parts of your body in Spanish - knowing how to describe various parts of yourself could make finding an appropriate size much simpler. For instance, knowing how to communicate that you have a small waist could prove especially helpful when speaking to tailors or salespersons about what would fit best - saying things such as "Tengo una cintura muy pequena" would certainly do just fine!


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