Smith Burns
03/07/2023 · Senior High School

Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. Asunción está empieza a entender la tarea. correct incorrect

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The correct sentence should be: "Asunción está empezando a entender la tarea."
In Spanish, when using the present progressive tense, the verb "estar" should be followed by the gerund form of the main verb. Here, "empieza" should be changed to "empezando" to correctly convey the ongoing action.


Supplemental Knowledge

Spanish grammar requires conjugations and sentence structure to ensure proper usage, so sentence "Asuncion esta empieza a comprender la tarea" contains an error related to using present progressive tense verb tenses incorrectly.

Present Progressive Tense: This tense is used to describe actions that are currently happening. It is formed by using the verb "estar" followed by the gerund form of the main verb (ending in -ando or -iendo).
The correct form should be:

"Asunción está empezando a entender la tarea."
Here, "empezando" is the gerund form of "empezar," which correctly follows the verb "estar."


Theory in Practice

Imagine learning to cook a new recipe - rather, when starting from scratch you would say: I am beginning cooking." Similarly in Spanish proper verb conjugation ensures clear communication.


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