Page Ruiz
07/13/2023 · Middle School

What is a herbivore?A. an animal that gets energy from eating other animalsB. an organism that gets energy from eating only plantsC. an animal that gets energy by eating both plants and other animalsD. an animal that eats only herbs

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B. an organism that gets energy from eating only plants

Step-by-step Solution

A herbivore is an organism that consumes only plants to obtain energy. This is distinct from carnivores (which eat animals) and omnivores (which eat both plants and animals). Therefore, the correct choice is B.


Supplemental Knowledge:

In ecology, organisms are classified based on their dietary habits and the sources from which they obtain energy. Understanding these classifications helps in studying food chains, ecosystems, and the balance of nature.

1. Herbivores:
- Herbivores are organisms that primarily consume plants to obtain their energy.
- They play a crucial role in ecosystems by transferring energy from producers (plants) to higher trophic levels (carnivores and omnivores).

2. Types of Consumers:
- Carnivores: Animals that get energy from eating other animals.
- Omnivores: Animals that get energy by eating both plants and other animals.
- Herbivores: Organisms that get energy from eating only plants.

3. Examples of Herbivores:
- Common herbivorous animals include deer, rabbits, cows, and elephants. These animals have adaptations like flat teeth for grinding plant material and digestive systems specialized for breaking down cellulose.


Practical Insights:

Imagine a picturesque meadow where different animals gather peacefully to graze on lush green grass, from cows munching grass to deer nibbling leaves and rabbits feasting on clover as examples of herbivores that feed entirely off plant material for sustenance, serving an important function in maintaining ecosystem balance by controlling plant populations while providing sustenance for carnivorous predators.

Understanding herbivory helps farmers effectively manage livestock diets while conservationists protect habitat essential to these plant-eating species.


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