Logan Bowen
02/07/2023 · Junior High School

How much sugar is in a 20 oz Coke?

Real Tutor Solution

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Quick Answer

Approximately 65 grams.

Step-by-step Solution

Check the nutrition label of a 20 oz (591 ml) bottle of Coca-Cola. Typically, a 20 oz Coca-Cola contains about 65 grams of sugar.


Supplemental Knowledge:

Understanding the nutritional content of beverages - particularly their sugar content - is vital to creating and maintaining a balanced diet. Soft drinks like Coca-Cola are notorious for having a high sugar count which could pose significant health issues when consumed excessively.


Theory in Practice:

Consider you're trying to make healthier decisions regarding what beverages you drink every day, knowing the sugar content of these drinks can help inform informed choices in line with your health goals. For instance, if soda is something you enjoy but would like to cut back on its consumption; understanding how much is contained within one serving may guide your search for better alternatives.

Being aware of the nutritional content of what you consume is an essential step towards a healthier lifestyle. At UpStudy, we provide resources that help you understand and manage your dietary choices more effectively.

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