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An email has come in from a vendor a location hasn't used in a while. It claims there's a delinquent payment and, if payment isn't made within 30 days, the location's account will be frozen and a late fee will be levied. What is the best way to determine if this email is genuine? Contact the sender using another channel, such as a phone call No approved vendor will ever close a McDonald's corporate or Franchise account None of these answers are correct Reply to the emall asking for more information to prove that the sender is genuine All of these answers are correct
4. a. What is meant by the rate \( \mathrm{km} / \mathrm{hr} \) ?
Where would a park ranger most likely tell hikers and campers not to build a campfire? in areas with high winds and drought in areas with cold temperatures and frozen ground in areas where there are clouds and rain is falling
d) 27 4) In Albany it is \( -4^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \), in Chicago it is \( -14^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \), in Minneapolis it is \( -11^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \), and in Toronto is it \( -13^{\circ} \mathrm{F} \). In which city is it the coldest?
Convert. 6 pt to gallons
You're a driver about to cross an intersection; your light turns green. To avoid being hit by any car on the cross street that might be running their red light, you need to look first left, then right, then left again. Why look in that exact order? The driver's seat is on the left side of the car, so it's easier to see what's coming from the left. The cars entering the intersection from the left would have the first opportunity to hit you. Statistics show that more crashes are caused by cars coming from the left than from the right. We're not sure of the reasoning behind this bit of wisdom, which has come down to us from the drivers of the horse-and-buggy days.
Give an answer and an explanation for the following question. A farmer's rooster laid an egg in a neighbor's yard. Who owns the egg? Choose the correct answer below. A. The neighbor owns the egg because it was laid in his or her yard. B. The farmer owns the egg because it was the farmer's rooster. C. The town owns the egg because no clear ownership can be determined. D. Roosters don't lay eggs.
Convert 9 meters to feet. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
Convert 11 feet to meters Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
1. Desarrolle por factor de conversión los siguientes ejercicios A. Expresar 256 Dias a horas. B. Expresar 5 millones de segundos a dias.
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