Geography Questions from Nov 22,2024

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Nov 22,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Calculate the time difference between Tokyo and Rome Alin sa mga sumusunod ang angkop na konklusyon sa pahayag na "Ang populasyon ng tao ay lumalaki ngunit ang lupa ay limitado lamang kung kayat ang ilan ay isinasagawa ang land conversion na nagiging dahilan ng pagkasira ng tirahan ng mga hayop"? A. Habang patuloy na lumalaki ang populasyon, lalong nagiging matac ang pangangailangan para sa likas na yaman partikular sa panahanan. B. Hindi mapipigilan at makokontrol ang pagtass ng populasyon. C. Mahalaga ang land conversion upang matugunan ang pangangailangan sa panahanan ng tao. D. Nagiging sagabal ang tirahan ng mga hayop sa pangangailangan ng tao. Page \( -8- \) of 8 5.1.4. Provide the LETTER and the NAME of: a) The coldest planet b) The largest planet c) The planet in which plants and animals can be found. d) The planet which is no longer considered a giant planet. e) The hottest planet. 5.1.5. List FOUR conditions which favor life to exist and be sustained on planet (2) (2) (abeled C. 5.1.6. Differentiate between an asteroid, a comet and a meteorite. Tiyak at relatibong lokasyon ng taiwan. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { 5.2.2 } & \text { Why was the UDF referred to as the powerful organization? } \\ \text { 5.3.1 } & \text { How did south Africa address its political differences after } 1989 \\ \text { 5.3.2 } & \text { What does CODESA stand for? } \\ \text { 5.3.3 } & \text { Why were CODESA negotiations not peaceful as expected? }\end{array} \) 1. Complete a figura abaino com os nomes das camadas da terfa: \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { 2. Ligue os tipos de limites entre as placas tectônicas e suas descrições: } \\ \text { Onde elas se afastam } & \text { CONVERGENTE } \\ \text { Onde elas "deslizam" uma na outra } & \text { DIVERGENTE } \\ \text { Onde elas se chocam } & \text { TRANSFORMANTE }\end{array} \) Tiyak na lokasyon Ng Italy gamit Ang latitud at longhitud. 6. How might you see evidence of migration or the effect of migration in this era? [why did people end up there? How might it shape the events of the time?] Ano ang pangkat etniko ng laos?
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