Geography Questions from Feb 01,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 01,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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WIWER TME FOLIO WING GUESTIONS. topesraphic mop? 2. Watect pe nectiersetfing ofinkir h xwaggofontein 3rwhal type of selthernent do vou thint Kwaggalontcimis? 3. Serekern die amtrok von Gre Branidkop Dam in meler?/ Culculote tho porimeler of the Brondkugs Dart mon melers? 4. Womer 2 roeles word op die koort cuangedui in rooi en blinuzfwhich 2 roules are indicaled on the mop in red and blue? 5. In which prowince is tht towniftin watter provinsie is nierde dorp gembs 6. Beneken die kocrdinate van die volgende punle op die kaont/Dolermine then coordinotes of the following points on the mop: 6.1. \( \Delta 172(13) \) 6.2 Diggings by Onsgeluk (D2) 6.3. Spitskop • 1485 (89) 7. Bereken die grodent fussen \( \$ 36 \) (ES) en \( \Delta 172 \) (J3). 8. Bcreken die ware peling fussen die volgende punte:/Calculate the true bearing between the following points: 8.1 136 na Drive-In Thealfo (F9) 8.2. Winkel (A9) na Windpomp (BS) 8.3. Brandkop Durn na \( -R \) (E3) 9. Bereken die Magnetiese Peilng van die bo-slaande punte (Vraog 8) as iy 'n Mogneliese Deklinasie van \( 22^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \) Wes het./Calculate the Mognetic Beoring Detween the points (Guestion 8) if the Magnetic Declinalion is \( 22^{\circ} 10^{\circ} \) West 10. Wat is die hoogte bo seevlak van die dam in H57/What is the height obove sealevel of the dam in HS? 11. Wat is die koartverwysingsnommer van die kaarl Suldoos van die 2926 A A Bloemfontein koart?/What is the map reference sheet of the map South East of the 2926 AA Bloemfontein map? Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona had 651,028 visitors in July 2008 and 665,188 visitors in July 2009. In which year did the par have more visitors during the month of July? 1 Multiple Choice 1 point Water that collects in cracks and pores in underground soil and rocks?
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