Geography Questions from Feb 06,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 06,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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What geographical feature helped the Patriots defeat Cornwallis at the battle of Yorktown? The ocean surrounding Yorktown had terrible currents which destroyed the British navy and this caused Cornwallis to surrender. Yorktown was surrounded by the Appalachian Mountains which prevented Cornwalls from escaping the French Navy. Yorktown was on a peninsula which led to the British being surrounded by land and the sea. The لames River cut through Yorktown which helped the Native Americans in a surprise Ittark arainst the Rritish. In which of the following countries is Hinduism the most common religion? A. Bhutan B. India C. Pakistan D. Sri Lanka On the subcontinent, rain forests are located: A. in southern India and Sri Lanka. B. in Sri Lanka. C. in central India. D. along the northern rim of India. The River flows through India. A. Jhelum B. Indus C. Ganges D. Chenab What region does China want to control but currently does not? A. Hong Kong B. Tibet C. Seoul D. Taiwan Most of the population in East Asia is clustered: A. in central China. B. in the cities of Seoul, Taiwan, and Ho Chi Minh. C. along the southeast edge of Mongolia. D. along the rivers and coasts. The two major rivers in China are the and the ___ A. Yangtze; Yellow B. Yangtze; Pearl C. Songhua; Pearl D. Pearl; Songhua What are the two largest deserts in China? A. Taklimakan and Omnogovi B. Khingan and Gobi c. Lop Nor and Baghrash Kol D. Gobi and Taklimakan 21. Which of these is an example of the relationship of geography and climate? a. Black people living near the equator. b. People in the mountains of Arizona wearing heavy woolen clothing. c. People in China being communists. d. People in parts of Canada being French Catholic. 22. Asians, Polynesians, and Indians of North, Central, and South America are members of the traditional race. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. Negroid } & \text { c. Mongoloid } \\ \text { b. Caucasoid } & \text { d. African } \\ \text { The largest continent is } & \text { c. Europe } \\ \text { a. North America } & \text { d. Asia }\end{array} \) 9. Moldova is how many miles from north to south?
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