Geography Questions from Feb 06,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 06,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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2. Why are the Appalachian Mountains not as high as the Rocky Mountains? 3. Why do you think people climb to the top of a hill or mountain? art A: Review 1. What is the major line that runs east to west across the globe located at \( 0^{\circ} \) latitude, and divides the Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? 2. What is the major line that runs north to south in the Atlantic Ocean located at \( 0^{\circ} \) Iongitude and divides the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres? 3. What is the major line that runs north to south in the Pacific Ocean located at \( 180^{\circ} \) Iongitude but zigzags to avoid splitting countries and territories into different calendar days? 3. Imagine you work for a tourism company. The company of- fers several trips to Africa, including one to the Sahel. As cus- tomers decide which trip to take, you realize that many cus- tomers have never heard of the Sahel. - In your own words, explain to a customer what the Sahel is. Here are optional phrases you may use in your response. - The Sahel is . . . \( \rightarrow \) Type your response using complete sentences to receive full credit. Be sure to include proper capitalization and punctuation. Why do fewer people live in West Africa's interior than near the coast? A because the Niger River flows through the interior B because growing food is more difficult in the interior C because the interior has more earthquakes 1. Changes to the Earth's surface can happen very rapidly or very slowly over long periods of time. Identify a landform that is the result of a slow change to the Earth's surface and explain how it was formed.
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