Geography Questions from Feb 07,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 07,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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4. What is the capital city of Armenia? A) Tbilisi B) Yerevan C) Baku D) Astana 2. What is the primary mountain range that runs through the Caucasus region? A) Himalayas B) Ural Mountains C) Caucasus Mountains D) Andec 18. The violent eruptions from inside the earth that caused great mountain chains to form about 300 million years ago created the following landform(s) in Oklahoma: a. Ouachita, Arbuckle, and Wichita mountains s. reservoirs and dams c trees 10. The area of the state with the highest elevation is a the mountains of eastern Oklahorna. B. the Panhandle and Black Mesa. c. the Arbuckle Mountain area. D. the Wichita Mountain area. 9. Prairies are described as A. desert-like areas of flat land. B. areas where post oak and blackjack oak trees grow very close to c. large expanses of level grassland where the soil is dark and the D. areas with low mountains and lush valleys. 7. The largest drainage system in Oklahoma is the A. Red River. B. Washita River. c. Canadian River. D. Arkansas River. D. river transportation. 7. The largest drainage system in Oklahoma is the A. Red River. B. Washita River. c. Canadian River. D. Arkansas River. 8. The purpose of the McClellan-Kerr Navigation Svstem woe to Question 5: What are the THREE MAJOR Climate Zones of Aftica? Question 5: How does the equator running through the middle of Africa affect the continent's climate? Answer: Question 6: What are the THREE MAJOR Climate Zones of Africa? 1. 2. 3. Question 3; What are the Physical Features/Land Formations of Africa?
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