Geography Questions from Feb 07,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 07,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Question 4: List 5 of the Natural Resources of Africa: Question 5: How does the equator running through the middle of Africa affect the continent's climate? Answer: Question 4: List 5 of the Natural Resources of Africa: Question 2: Africa is Characterized by 5 Regions, What are those Regions? Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Region 4: Region 5: Scientists estimate that the temperature of Earth's core is as high as \( 6000^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \). Which best explains how heat from the core reaches the surlace Hot materials in the mantle circulate the same way warm air rises and cool air sinks in a heated room. Energy is released as molecules in the mantle form new compounds that flow toward the crust. Energy from atoms vibrating near the core passes through the mantle until it reaches the crust. Here radiates through the mantle the same way sunlight passes through space. The art and science of mapmaking is called: territorial morphology spatial analysis topography cartography \begin{tabular}{l} Distortion is a problem when mapping Earth because__ \\ Earth's populations are constantly changing \\ climate conditions are difficult to measure \\ current map-producing technology is limited \\ Earth's curved surface is transferred to a flat surface \\ \hline\end{tabular} Human Geography is the study of the position of the Earth in relation to the solar system. the study of natural regions on the face of the Earth. ancient human cities. how humans affect and are effected by the Earth. Which reservoir has the largest deposit of carbon? (1 point) oceans rocks and sediment atmosphere plant biomass 2. What is the asthenosphere? 5. Explain how Earth's tilt causes the seasons.
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