Geography Questions from Feb 08,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Feb 08,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Which land form in Canada, located along the Hudson Bay, is rich in minerals? A) Rocky Mountains (B) Canadian Shield (C) Canadian Plains (D) Great Lakes (A) 4 What mountain range do the United States and Canada share along the western coast? A) Appalachian Mountains (B) Andes Mountains (C) Canadian Shield (D) Rocky Mountains 36. The top layers of soll are important because they - (2009-14) prevent earthquakes a \( \because \) \( \begin{array}{l}\text { a }\end{array} \) b. give plants nutrients c. protect the bedrock d. make walking easier 33. Wave action against solid rock can cause changes in the rock structure. What is the correct sequence of erosion of the above rock surface? (2001-6) a. \( A, B, C, D \) b. \( D, B, C, A \) \&. \( B, C, D, A \) d. \( C, D, B, A \) 31. Sand dunes in the desert are caused by erosion.fiom -(2006-9) a. rain b. glaciers c. streams d. wind 30. The diagrams show how a river can cause the erosion of land. Which sequence of letters best shows how the river has aged from youngest to oldest? (2002-3B) a. C,A,B,D b. B,A,C,D c. A,D,B,C d. voicanoes 16. The most common cause of earthquakes is - (2002-16) a. the sinking of the ocean floor b. movements in the Earth's crust c. giant tidal waves called tsunamis . d. unequal heating of the atmosphere 14. Which surface feature is most likely caused by the movernent of the Earth's crustal plates? (2001-24) a. Canyons b. Deltas c. Lakes \( \because \) d. Volcanoes 12. Which of these offer occur as the Earth's crustal plates move? (2011-20) a. Hurricanes b. Floods c. Tomadoes d. Earthquakes 10. Lava cools to form -(2006-15) 5 a. igneous rock b. sedimentary rock c. metamophic rock d. sandstone
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