Geography Questions from Feb 12,2025

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Ash Cloud, Ash Layers, Base, Bedrock, Branch Pipe, Crater, Flank, Magma 2.3 Study FIGURE 2.3, a medis report, with the tee ts south Altica doe for a tropleal eyclone?. 2.3.3 Which coastine of 8outh Africa is allected by fropical cyclones? (1×1) 23.2 What are the 'current condibions' reterred to in me eadract that wel result in a low pressure forming in the contral Mczambique Chemner? (2x1) 23.3 Describe TWO reasions why people in certaln parti of South Ahrica have been wamed to be careft. ( \( 2 \times 2 \) ) 2.3.4 Witte a paragraph of approximately EIGHT Ines explaining why South Africa does not usually experfence the expected fial impact of tropical syclones? \( (4 \times 2) \) FIGURE 23: TROPICAL CYCLONES IS SOUTH AFRICA DUE FOR A TROPICAL CYCLONE? Fiday 10 Fubnury 2017: 1531 Most South Africars don't associete tropical cyclones with our shomes, but they can and do affoct the eastern part of our country. They are rare (unusual) condilions, with only one storm having crossed into our borders in the last 33 yours. Current condrions show that a low pressure will form wilhin the ceotral Mozambique Channel, and will very slowly deepen in intensity this weokond and into eariy next week. Wamings have been issued to peoplo in parts of South Abica to be carolud. The movemont and intensity of these types of wather systems are dificull to predict beyond a couple of days. Usually by the fime they reach us they have been generally weakened aller passing over Madagascar and Mozambiqua. [Adapted trom eNCA nows] 9. How is Earth different from all the other planets? A. It rotates on its axis. B. It has a breathable atmosphere. C. It has a rocky surface. D. It is warmed by the sun. D. Ganymede 11 A gas giant planet is made up of gases. A terrestrial planet is made of A. metals and moons B. rocks and metals C. moons and rocks D. gases and heat 9. How is Earth different from all the other planets? A. It rotates on its axis. B. It has a breathable atmosphere. C. It has a rocky surface. D. It is warmed by the sun. (6) Jupiter orbits the Sun just outside the Asteroid Belt. What planet orbits just inside the A Saturn B Venus C Uranus D Mars Directions: On each line, write the term from the word bank that correctly completes each sentence. Each term is used only once. fault-block rifting 5. The Appalachian Mountains were formed by collisions and, rifting 6. The mountains of the Hawaiian Islands are mountains. 7. The Basin and Range Province consigts of many, fault-block 8. The Sierra Nevada range is made of 4. Uplifted mountains are mountains that form when A. lava builds up to form cones. B. rock moves up or down along faults, C. large areas move up with little deformation. 3. Which process acts on rock to form fault-block mountains? A. shear B. tension C. compression 2. Folded mountains form as the result of A. shear. B. tension. C. compression.
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