Geography Questions from Feb 20,2025

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Which of the following are correct statements about the Indian subcontinent and East Asia? Check all that apply. \( \square \) A. China's industry boom is in manufacturing, while India's is in software and customer service. B. China has 1.3 billion people, while India has 1.1 billion. C. East Asia is much more open to invasion than the subcontinent. D. There are relatively similar climates in the two regions. Which of the following are correct statements about the Indian subcontinent and East Asia? Check all that apply. \( \square \) A. China's industry boom is in manufacturing, while India's is in software and customer service. \( \square \) B. China has 1.3 billion people, while India has 1.1 billion. \( \square \) C. East Asia is much more open to invasion than the subcontinent. \( \square \) D. There are relatively similar climates in the two regions. The and ___ rivers are the two largest in China. A. Yellow; Yangtze B. Yellow; Pearl c. Songhua; Yangtze D. Yangtze; Pearl Which of these cities are located on water transportation roadways? A. Seoul and Chicago but not New York B. New York and Chicago but not Seoul C. Seoul and New York but not Chicago D. Seoul, Chicago, and New York An urban region with more than 10 million inhabitants is called \( a(n) \) A. urban county B. urbanopolis C. global city D. megacity 3.5 Select the correct term/concept in brackets. Write only the 3.5.1 Global air circulation is the (large/small) scale circulation of air across the globe. 3.5.2 The Inter-Tropical convergence zone is found along the (Sub-tropical high/Equatorial low) pressure belt. 3.5.3 Trade winds are winds that blow from the sub-iropical highpressure systems north and south of the equator towards the (equatorial low/polar high) pressure system. 3.5.4 The sub-iropical high-pressure zone is commonly referred to as (doldrums/conundrums) 3.5.5 A polar high-pressure result from cool descending air that forms a series of high pressures at the (poles/polar front) 3.5.6 Horse latitudes are commonly referred to as an area of (calm/unstable) weather conditions. 3.5.7 The planetary wind model refers to circulation that results from air movements from the (equator to the poles/poles to the equator) \[ (7 \times 1)(7) \] I VENTI PERIODICI I venti periodici sono dovuti al diverso comportamento termico del suolo e dell'acqua, proprio come le brezze, ma coinvolgono aree molto estese della Terra, L'esempio più conosciuto di venti periodici è quello dei monsoni, che interessano Cina meridionale, Indocina e India. Da ottobre a marzo il monsone invernale spira dal continente (più freddo) verso l'oceano (più caldo) e porta aria secca; da aprile a settembre il monsone estivo spira dall'oceano (più fresco) al continente (più caldo) portando aria molto umida che provoca abbondanti piogge. 1.) True or False: People have died because of earthquakes. A. True 13. Discuss how the earth rotates On the island of Palau in the western Pacific, a traditional men's long house is called a: bai. poi. tiki. momo.
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