Geography Questions from Jan 13,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 13,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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8. What do you notice on the map about the pattern of the gyres in the Northern Hemisphere as compared to the gyres in the Southern Hemisphere? 7. The California Current travels south / north / west from where the North Pacific Current is deflected by North America. The California current eventually turns toward the south / north / west and joins the North Equatorial Current. What patterns do you see when comparing the global surface winds with the global surface currents in these maps? A. In most areas, the winds and the currents move in opposite directions. B. In most areas, the winds and the currents move in similar directions. How do tectonic plates move? sliding on the heated asthenosphere magnetic field expanding with the saturation of water 5. Many dry desert climates are found around \( 30^{\circ} \mathrm{N} \) and \( 30^{\circ} \mathrm{S} \) latitude. Which factor has the most influence on the formation of desert climates? A. dry air rising at \( 30^{\circ} \) latitudes B. dry air descending at \( 30^{\circ} \) latitudes C. low amounts of rainfall at other latitudes D. high rates of evaporation at the equator 4. Which factors have the greatest impact on the direction of global winds? Choose one. A. air speed and the amount of daylight B. rotation of Earth and pressure differences C. length of the day and temperature of the air D. distance from the horse latitudes and size of the sun 3. Which of the following is a characteristic of all global winds? A. They all move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. B. They all move from areas of low pressure to areas of high pressure. C. They all move in the same direction toward the equator. BOHPOCbI M ЗАдANMR: В чём проявляется влияние на климат географической широты, а в чём - воздушных масс? - Каковы общие черты каждого из типов умеренного климата и каковы их внутренние различия? - Назовите, какие климатообразующие факторы влияют на формирование климата в вашем населённом пункте? ВоाпросыІ м зддния: В чём проявляется влияние на климат географической широты, а в чём - воздушных масс? Каковы общие черты каждого из типов умеренного климата и каковы их внутренние различия? Назовите, какие климатообразую- щие факторы влияют на формирова- ние климата в вашем населённом пункте? ВОПРОСВ М ЗАДААМЯ: Объясните причины разного коли- чества осадков в средней полосе Рус- ской равнины, Западной Сибири, Восточной Сибири и Дальнего Восто- ка. Как и почему в России изменяется увлажнение?
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