Geography Questions from Jan 22,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 22,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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6. What is an orthophoto map? 2. What is a map? 2.1.1. The feature labelled 6 on the orthophoto map is a \( \ldots \) A. shopping centres B. church C. hospital D. mine 2.1.2. The orthophoto map was taken between ... A. \( 12 h 00-14 h 00 \) B. \( 08 h 00-10 h 00 \) C. \( 14 h 00-17 h 00 \) D. \( 10 h 00-12 h 00 \) 2.2. Refer to the topographical map 2.1. Determine the true bearing of the reservoir in block B1 from the wind pump labelled G in block B3. 2.2. Give the exact coordinates of the wind pump in block D4 2.3. Use the information on the topographical map, to determine the magnetic declination for the present year (2024). Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded for calculation. 2.4. Use your answers to question 2.2.1 and question 2.2.3 to calculate the magnetic bearing. Refer to the topographical map 2.2.1. Determine the true bearing of the reservoir in block B1 from the wind pump labelled G in block B3. 2.2.2. Give the exact coordinates of the wind pump in block D4 2.2.3. Use the information on the topographical map, to determine the magnetic declination for the present year (2024). Show ALL calculations. Marks will be awarded for calculation. 2.2.4. Use your answers to question 2.2 .1 and question 2.2 .3 to calculate the magnetic bearing. 2.1.2. The orthophoto map was taken between ... A. \( 12 h 00-14 h 00 \) B. \( 08 h 00-10 h 00 \) C. \( 14 h 00-17 h 00 \) D. \( 10 h 00-12 h 00 \) 1.1. The feature labelled 6 on the orthophoto map is a ... A. shopping centres B. church C. hospital D. mine What is the scale of the map? Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. (28) Some small islands have originated from \( \qquad \) reefs. (29) An \( \qquad \) is a ring-shaped coral island surrounding a lagoon that has no visible island. (30) \( \qquad \) eruptions have given birth to many islands. (31) Earth's largest island is \( \qquad \) . (32) A desert is a dry, sandy, rocky \( \qquad \) Number the continents from largest to smallest in land area. \( \qquad \) (33) Europe \( \qquad \) (37) North America \( \qquad \) (34) Asia \( \qquad \) (38) Australia \( \qquad \) (35) South America \( \qquad \) (39) Antarctica Ask the Lord to help you as you take this Test. Put the letter of the correct answer on the blank. \( \qquad \) (1) the first thing determined by a cartogropher when designing (A) cartographer a map (2) a second element included when designing a map; it should \( \qquad \) (2) a secand element included wase it explains colors or (B) compass rose (C) grid or systom (3) a third element included on a map; it explains colors or \( \qquad \) (3) a thirdsols found on a map \( \qquad \) (4) a fourth element included when designing a directions \( \qquad \) (5) a fifth element included on a map; it or the proportion used in constructing the map must be stated on a map (6) a sixth element included when designing a map; it is for locating map features \( \qquad \) (7) a person who draws mental maps for others to see and use \( \qquad \) (8) measured in degrees east or west of the prime meridian, up to \( 180^{\circ} \) (9) measured in degrees north or south of the equator, up to \( 90^{\circ} \) (G) purpose (H) scale of distance (D) latitude (E) legend (F) longitude (I) title \( \qquad \) Fill in each blank, or draw a line under the correct answer. (10) The (direction, intersection, division, projection) of the longitude line and the latitude line pinpoints the coordinates of the location sought on the map. (11) A Robinson projection of Earth is used if the (sizes, shapes, directions, locations) of landmasses are of primary importance, and a Mercator projection is used if the primary importance of the map is the (sizes, shapes, locations, directions) of landmasses. (12) The distance between \( \qquad \) lines on a Mercator projection map increases as the distance from the equator increases. (13) A \( \qquad \) map is the kind of map used most often in life. (14) \( \qquad \) maps show elevation variations using contour lines. 02016 Acceleroted Christian Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United Stotes of America. This PACE moy not be reproduced in wholio or Question 8 8 pts Which word means to separate the eastern and western hemispheres? longitude prime meridian latitude equator
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