Geography Questions from Jan 22,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 22,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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\begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline Question 5 \\ Which word means to separate the \\ northern and southern hemispheres? \\ \( \frac{\text { O prime meridian }}{\text { O longitude }} \) \\ Odegrees \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{|lc|}\hline\( \square \) Question 2 & 8 pts \\ Which word means to measure the \\ distance east or west? \\ \( \frac{\text { O equator }}{\text { O latitude }} \) \\ O prime meridian \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{|l|}\hline\( \square \) Question 1 \\ Which word means to measure the \\ distance north or south? \\ \( \frac{\text { O prime meridian }}{\text { O equator }} \) \\ \( \begin{array}{l}\text { O latitude longitude }\end{array} \) \\ \hline\end{tabular} 1. Differentiate between insolation and terrestrial fadiation, 2. Why is Earth more suitable for life than Venus? 3. Are volcanoes present throughout the terrestrial planets? Why or why not? 4. How would a journey of exploration through the inner planets of our solar system differ from an exploration of the outer planets? Focus your response on explaining the basic physical characteristics of the inner and outer planets. How do the origins of our solar system explain these physical differences between planets? 5. Identify similarities in the origins of the following solar system objects: planetary rings, satellites, asteroids, comets, the Oort Cloud, and the Kuiper Belt. How do these objects' origins relate to the origin and formation of planets? What term refers collectively to the four inner planets of our solar system? Galilean planets terrestrial planets sidereal planets abyssal planets
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