Geography Questions from Jan 23,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 23,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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7. How does the tilt in the Earth cause us to have seasons? I What is it called when the Earth spins on its axis Which soil horizon is on the bottom? Which soil horizon is on the bottom? 3. 1 Woudd you denfity the above map as a small scale map of a large yona mad se sive 3. Give a reason for your 3.1 anower Because if has genscolly more (1detoil 3.3Find Soccer City on the map. (1) \( \qquad \) 3.400 you think you will be able to see Soccer City on a small scale map. (1) 3.5Give a reason for your answer \( \qquad \) \( \qquad \) (2) 3.6Find wo other features that will not be visiblo on a small scale map. \( \qquad \) 3.7 What is the type of scale for the map of Johannesburg: Line scale ratio scale. (2) hine Sclile 2. In which province do you live? 3. Colour the province where you live any colour except blue, because blue is the colour of water. 4. How many provinces are there in SA? 6. Which province is the smallest? 7. Name the two provinces whose edges touch the Atlantic Ocean: 8. Which province is east of Gauteng? 9. Name the province that do not touch an ocean: War? (Token from Social Sciences Today, Grade 8) 1. Name the towns at:- a) \( 29^{\circ} 05^{\circ} \mathrm{S} ; 26^{\circ} 08^{\prime} \mathrm{E} \) b) \( 26^{\circ} 40^{\circ} \mathrm{S} ; 27^{\circ} 50^{\circ} \mathrm{E} \) 2. Identify the co-ordinate position of Reitz. 3. Calculate the distance from Bloemfontein to Winburg 4. Calculate how far Bloemfontein is from Pretoria 5. Identify the type of scale in Source 1 A . The Thar Desert The Thar Desert lies in north-western India. It is a dry, sandy region. The sand gets blown around by the wind and forms hills called sand dunes.) The desert gets very little rain. So, it has very few plants. Life in the desert Life in the desert is hard because th is so little water. It is difficult to grow crops. But canals have been dug to carry water to the desert so that mo 26 1.1.7 Identify the manmade feature found at \( 29^{\circ} 03^{\prime} 48^{\prime \prime} \mathrm{S} ; 30^{\circ} 31^{\prime} 03^{\prime \prime} \mathrm{E} \). a) R in Block B1 b) .969 in Block \( \mathbf{G} 3 \) 1.1.6 Determine the map reference numbers of the maps directly south, east and north of 2930 AB GREYTOWN.
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