Geography Questions from Jan 26,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 26,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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Select three continents from the list below that pass through the Prime Meridian. North America India Antarctica Australia Europe Select three continents from the list below that are within the Arctic Circle. Europe Asia Africa Antarctica North America South America Select three countries from the list below that pass through the Tropic of Cancer. Africa North America Antarctica Australia India Which hemisphere is Australia in? Northern Western Eastern Idon't know Find the distance between New York \( \mathrm{C} 42^{\circ} \mathrm{N} \) \( 74^{\circ} \) W) and Rome \( \left(42^{\circ} \mathrm{N}, 12^{\circ} \mathrm{E}\right) \) measured alo a parallel of lafitude. Найди значение \( \mathrm{b}_{8} \), если \( \mathrm{b}_{1}=\frac{6}{625} \) и \( \mathrm{q}=5 \). 3.4 Refer to FIGURE 3.4 below. 3.4.1 Identify the factor affecting temperature in FIGURE 3.4 . \( (1 \times 2) \) (2) 3.4.2 Compare the temperature at the tropical rain forest to the tundra? \( (1 \times 2) \quad(2) \) 3.4.3 Compare the difference in vegetation as altitude increases? Give a reason for your answer? ( \( 4 \times 2 \) ) (8) 3.4.4 Mention another factor affecting temperature than those depicted alongside. \( (1 \times 2) \quad(2) \) Look at the photograph on the right. a) In which hemispheres are the boy's two feet? b) Name a third hemisphere that this boy's bod is in. L) A line that goes from east to west around the wor page 2 and above. Name the two hemispheres that South Africa is in. Look at the photograph on the right. a) In which hemispheres are the boy's two feet? b) Name a third hemisphere that this boy's body is in. What is the t - (a) Ocean - b) Sea - c) Lake - d) River Which type of landform is a flat area that is lowe - a) Mountain - b) Plateau - c) Valley - d) Plain - A mountain that erupts with lava, ash, and gases - (a) Volcano - b) Canyon - c) Cliff - d) Hill 4. Short Answer Questions: - Explain the difference between a river and a lak - What is the water cycle, and how does it work? river is not
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