Geography Questions from Jan 26,2025

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What letters are at these coordinates? a. \( 20^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \mathrm{N}, 71^{\circ} 30^{\prime} \mathrm{W} \) b. \( 20^{\circ} 20^{\prime} \mathrm{N}, 72^{\circ} 00^{\prime} \mathrm{W} \) Name the two hemispheres where each of the above places is situated. Name the two hemispheres where each of the above places is situated 3. Name the two hemispheres where each of the above places is situated. What letters are at these coordinates? a. \( 20^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \mathrm{N}, 71^{\circ} 30^{\prime} \mathrm{W} \) b. \( 20^{\circ} 20^{\prime} \mathrm{N}, 72^{\circ} 00^{\prime} \mathrm{W} \) 1. Give the coordinates for the letters B, C and D in Figure 2. What letters are at these coordinates? a. \( 20^{\circ} 10^{\prime} \mathrm{N}, 71^{\circ} 30^{\prime} \mathrm{W} \) b. \( 20^{\circ} 20^{\prime} \mathrm{N}, 72^{\circ} 00^{\prime} \mathrm{W} \) Name the two hemispheres where each of the ahnum a. In which direction is Madagascar mom India? a. In which direction is Canada from the United States of America? b. In which direction is the United States of America from Canada? 7. Which two Asian countries labelled on the map will yo reach when you travel north-east from South Africa? 8. Which continent will you reach when you travel sout from South Africa? 9. a. In which direction is India from Madagascar? b. In which direction is Madagascar from India? 10. a. In which direction is Canada from the United Stat of America? Think of the eight directions on a compass. In which direction from South Africa are each of the following \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. Germany } & \text { b. Australia } \\ \text { c. Ivory Coast } & \text { d. The island of South Georgia } \\ \text { e. Uruguay } & \\ \text { In which direction is South Africa from each of the } \\ \text { countries listed in question 5? }\end{array} \) What is one of the Vile Vortices? O Shangri-La Dorado E Easter Island Aokigahara
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