Geography Questions from Jan 29,2025

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Jan 29,2025, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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4. In North America, which layer is the oldest? How do you know? According to the law of superposition slayers at the bottom are oldest layer a is at the bolton? I 3. In North America, what "fossil clues" in Layers A \& B indicate the kind of environment that existed when these rock layers were formed? How did the environment change in Layer D? ocean The Earth has a northern and southern... axis. hemisphere. equator. core. The imaginary line running throug Earth's poles and center is its... rotation. axis. revolution. hemisphere. 3. Golfströmmen har stor betydelse för Sveriges klimat. Hur fungerar denna ström och vad innebär den för vädret här? 1.3 FIGURE 1.3, dopicts a tropical cyclone in its mature stage. 1.5.1 Identify TWO Ractors from the diagram that were responsible for the: original dovelopment pf this tropical cyclone. \[ (2 \times 1) \] (2) 1.3.2 Refer to arsas \( A \) and 8 on the diagram. (a) Idenify areas A and B respectively. \[ (2 \times 1) \] (b) Diflerentiate between the air movements at areas A and B respectivaly, \[ (1 \times 2) \] (c) Mention the roasons for the differences in alr movements as stated in QUESTION 1.3.2(b). \[ (2 \times 1) \] 1.3.3 Draw a labelled synoptic map representation of the stage of the tropical cycione being dspicked by the diagram. \( (3 \times 1) \) (3) 1.3.4 Explain how the situation described at C on the diagram wn have a negative influence on the economy of the affocted corstal regions, \[ (2 \times 2) \] 1.2.5. The major climatic regions of the world, classified according to their predominant vegotation and characterised by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment. How do the different types of mountains form? How can the information of island and mountains effect of the geosphere? Which of these would be indications that a given mountain range was not formed by subduction? Check all that apply. \( \square \) A. There are no volcanoes. \( \square \) B. There are glacial caps. \( \square \) C. It is not along an ocean coastline. \( \square \) D. There are deep valleys. are in constant motion and change the forms of the Earth's crust. A. Lunar phases B. Magnetic fields c. Tectonic plates
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