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Life Orientation SBA 2025 Learner Guideline 1.4. Distinguish between the following terms that relate to how people might react to conflict: a. Avoidance b. Competing c. Compromising \[ 3 \times 2(6) \] 1.5. Discuss how the above ways of dealing with interpersonal conflict could potentially have a negative impact on relationships. \( 3 \times 2 \) (6) "Communication is one of the skills you will need to adapt to change and resolve conflict." 1.6. Explain how the following factors could positively influence effective communication in any relationship. a. Personality b. Appropriate expression of feelings \[ 3 \times 3(9) \] c. Acceptance of responsibility 1.7. Evaluate THREE ways in which effectively dealing with stress can lead to personal growth and development in a young person, when faced with change or conflict. \( 3 \times 3 \) 1.8. Propose TWO ways in which a person could approach conflict resolution to sustair healthy relationships and explain how this could help one adapt to change.

Ask by Murphy Pritchard. in South Africa
Feb 24,2025

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1.4. a. **Avoidance**: Refusing to engage in conflict, hoping it resolves on its own. b. **Competing**: Aggressively pursuing one's own needs, often at others' expense. c. **Compromising**: Both parties give up some demands to reach a mutual solution. 1.5. - **Avoidance**: Builds up tension and resentment, damaging relationships. - **Competing**: Fosters hostility and reduces trust. - **Compromising**: Can lead to feelings of being undervalued if used too much, causing frustration and recurring conflicts. 1.6. a. **Personality**: Positive traits like empathy and resilience encourage open communication and reduce defensiveness. b. **Appropriate Expression of Feelings**: Clearly conveying emotions without blaming fosters a safe conversational environment. c. **Acceptance of Responsibility**: Enhances trust and credibility, facilitating more constructive dialogues. 1.7. 1. **Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills**: Improved ability to analyze and resolve challenges calmly. 2. **Increased Resilience and Adaptability**: Better ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changes. 3. **Improved Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence**: Greater empathy and self-regulation, leading to healthier relationships. 1.8. 1. **Collaborative Problem-Solving**: Engaging in open dialogue to find mutually beneficial solutions, building trust and shared ownership. 2. **Active Listening and Empathy Development**: Practicing active listening to understand others' perspectives, reducing misunderstandings and promoting flexibility in adapting to changes.


Below is an example of how you could structure your responses to the Life Orientation SBA questions: ────────────────────────────── 1.4. Distinguish between the following terms that relate to how people might react to conflict: a. Avoidance  • Definition: Avoidance is a conflict-handling style where a person deliberately withdraws or refuses to engage in the conflict.  • Key Point: The individual hopes that the conflict will resolve itself over time or prefers not to be involved. b. Competing  • Definition: Competing is a style in which one party pursues their own concerns aggressively, often at the expense of the other party’s needs.  • Key Point: This approach is win–lose in nature, where one person’s success is seen as the other’s defeat. c. Compromising  • Definition: Compromising involves each party giving up part of their demands in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution.  • Key Point: It is a middle-ground approach where both sides make concessions, leading to a partial win for everyone involved. ────────────────────────────── 1.5. Discuss how the above ways of dealing with interpersonal conflict could potentially have a negative impact on relationships. • Avoidance:  • By ignoring the conflict, underlying issues remain unresolved.  • This can lead to built-up tension and resentment, damaging trust and communication over time. • Competing:  • The aggressive, win–lose approach can intimidate or alienate the other party.  • It may foster hostility, reduce mutual respect, and make future cooperation difficult. • Compromising:  • While compromising strives for balance, if used too frequently it might lead to feelings of being undervalued since both parties have to sacrifice some of their needs.  • This could result in frustration or a perception that there is no clear solution, potentially causing recurring conflicts if underlying issues are not fully addressed. ────────────────────────────── 1.6. Explain how the following factors could positively influence effective communication in any relationship: a. Personality  • A positive personality that is open, honest, and approachable can build trust and encourage openness in communication.  • When individuals display traits like empathy and resilience, it facilitates better listening, reduced defensiveness, and a more positive conversational atmosphere. b. Appropriate Expression of Feelings  • When feelings are clearly and respectfully expressed, misunderstandings are minimized.  • Appropriate expression helps to convey emotions without blaming or attacking the other person, fostering a safe space in which both parties feel heard and valued. c. Acceptance of Responsibility  • When individuals willingly accept responsibility for their actions or mistakes, it enhances credibility and trust.  • This attitude can lead to more constructive dialogues and encourages collaborative efforts to resolve conflict since all parties acknowledge their part in the situation. ────────────────────────────── 1.7. Evaluate THREE ways in which effectively dealing with stress can lead to personal growth and development in a young person, when faced with change or conflict. 1. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills  • By managing stress effectively, a young person learns to analyze challenging situations calmly.  • This leads to improved problem-solving and decision-making skills that are beneficial both personally and academically. 2. Increased Resilience and Adaptability  • Coping with stress often involves developing resilience—the ability to bounce back after setbacks.  • This resilience helps young people adapt to change more effectively, enabling them to face future conflicts with confidence and proactive strategies. 3. Improved Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence  • Dealing with stress forces individuals to reflect on their emotions and understand their triggers.  • This self-awareness, combined with higher emotional intelligence, enhances their capacity for empathy and self-regulation, thereby supporting healthier interpersonal relationships. ────────────────────────────── 1.8. Propose TWO ways in which a person could approach conflict resolution to sustain healthy relationships and explain how this could help one adapt to change. 1. Collaborative Problem-Solving  • Proposal: Engage in an open dialogue where all parties share their perspectives and work together to find a mutually beneficial solution.  • Benefit: This approach not only resolves the immediate conflict but also builds a foundation of trust, respect, and shared ownership over conflict outcomes. It makes adapting to future changes easier because all parties feel valued and involved. 2. Active Listening and Empathy Development  • Proposal: Practice active listening techniques—such as paraphrasing, asking clarifying questions, and acknowledging the other person’s feelings—to understand the underlying issues.  • Benefit: By fostering empathy, this method minimizes misunderstandings and reduces emotional intensity during disputes. This empathetic approach promotes flexibility and a willingness to compromise, thereby enhancing one's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. ────────────────────────────── These responses not only address the specific requirements of each question but also demonstrate a clear understanding of how conflict management and communication can influence personal growth and relationship sustainability.

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Beyond the Answer

Conflict avoidance can often appear beneficial in the short term by reducing immediate tension, but it may lead to unresolved issues festering over time. Meanwhile, competing can escalate the conflict, as one party prioritizes their needs over the relationship, which may result in hurt feelings and resentment. Compromising does strike a balance, but it may leave both parties feeling partially dissatisfied, making it crucial to approach these strategies with care to maintain healthier dynamics. To positively influence effective communication, personality plays a huge role. A warm, approachable demeanor often opens channels for dialogue, while a rigid personality may close them off. Additionally, appropriately expressing feelings fosters openness and understanding, essential for addressing issues constructively. Accepting responsibility for one’s actions showcases maturity and prompts an environment where both parties focus on solutions rather than blame, leading to stronger, more resilient relationships.

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